It’s been scientifically proven that 60-70% of the human body is made up of water. by that fact, a person needs a minimum quantity of 3 liters drinking of water per day in order to keep oneself fittest. These 2 just prove that essentiality of water for us humans. It can also be measured as one of the basic need i.e. food, clothes and housing and water absolutely form a part of the food as it is a necessary element required for correct digestion of the food consumed by any person. So, it can indubitably be deduced that without water a person would be in peril. Now a Days, with the increasing population and pollution, the necessity and need for the hour, in any area of the India is more of getting hold of required amounts of water, and more so getting pure drinking water, than just water itself. Industrial wastes, wastes from houses and many other poisoning elements are present in all sorts of water ranging from water for bathing, washing and even drinking water in dis...